Saturday, December 3


This is Jugular Bean's bunny

So I admit, I cannot draw rabbits. They look cute and so simple to draw, perhaps, but for the sake of crawling on all fours without haivng slept in the last 32 hours( a bit of exaggeration is hamrless, right?) , I cannot draw these cuddly wuddly creatures!!
Someone help me! And if you can't help me then atleast pray for me.


Jugular Bean said...

LiVEwiRe said...

Are these your bunnies?! I'm in love...

Finny Forever said...

i think theyve bin genetically modified to look disturbingly cute and ruin the work productivity of all who see.

ether said...

Thank you, Bean.

Livewire, these are not my bunnies and I can assure you, if I did have bunnies as pets, I wouldn't be cribbing about not being able to draw them bunnies.

finny forever, perhaps...

Arjun said...

Am not great at drawing bunnies, either. Had created a weirdo cartoon character that looks remotely like a bunny though. Here's the link if you're interested:

Great blog, btw. Just hopped on from Jugular Bean's link.