Friday, February 17

Look who's here!

It's done!
Yayy...all done, including the minor changes and the minute tweeking around, as well.
Now, I wait for the client's final word and of course, the payment....


The Wandering Hermit said...

fred is finished??

coyote said...

Yay! That poor, stressed snake is still shocked, and the little green guy is still looking good, though I know you must be awfully tired of him by now... I'll keep my paws crossed, for your good luck!

ether said...

Zofo~ Yea, Fred's all done with (hopefully).

Coyote ~ I Am a bit tired of having to stare at his face for so long but it's been worthwhile. And my rabbits don't look dead and stuffed anymore! Thanks...

AlterinG Abhishek said...

Its really amazing stuff. Frandkly where do these all come from.
even the pics in the baove entry..
what is the source??

GhostOfTomJoad said...

Neat! I like happy little frogs :-) Got one small, smiling one on my table...also in green!!

You're good and pretty prolific too :-)

Nessa said...

Awwwwww, these are simply adorable!!

ether said...

Abhishek~ I make them!

Ghost, Nessa ~ Thanku

Jugular Bean said...

Yay! It's Freddy. Where's the bunny?