Monday, February 20



Anonymous said...

ever considered a photo blog? :)

heretic said...

You simply got to check out this site too: You're gonna love her work too. Please do leave your link behind for her to check out your work too. :-)

coyote said...

I love this -- the colour, the way your chimera slides toward the centre under those streetlights... very dreamlike.

Anonymous said...

Fingers wurkin magic, it seems!

GhostOfTomJoad said...

Hope you didn't scare the life out of the cyclist :-) Nice photograph

Nessa said...

The Bhoot effect?!

ether said...

Atul, these are from the archives, I don't have a good, functioning camera at present. A photo blog wouldn't work for me. Thanks. :)

Heretic, checked it out, left my link, too.

Coyote, that's a fine compliment, coming from you.

Sandy, magic=illusion, chimera. I should hope it isn't just an illusion!

Alessandro, gracias.

Ghost, actually, I must admit, I might've scared him. Although he did see me from a distance, he might've wondered what two girls were doing in the middle of the night, in the middle of the road with two archaic cameras!

Nessa, you think so?

GhostOfTomJoad said...

I know! If I'd been on that cycle, I swear, I'd be pedalling as hard as I possibly could :-)