Wednesday, February 15


I went to the balcony and saw, the egg's broken. The pigeon still sits on it but I don't know why she does so, because she clearly knows there isn't going to be a little one coming out of that egg.


Anonymous said...

hope really makes a mad world go round...

David Scrimshaw said...

Maybe she has nowhere else to go.

GhostOfTomJoad said...

You mean the crow got to it? Hell!

Nessa said...


bluerebel said...


ether said...

Atul~ True.

David~ I don't know...yesterday her mate was there too, on the pot, and they looked rather sad.

Ghost~ I don't know if the crow got to it. The egg seems like something/someone's pressed it against somethig. It's caved in a bit but the pigeon sits on it still. I'm sure she knows..

Nessa, Shaun~ :(