Today was better.
Something nice is happening. Actually, I don't know if it's nice or not but right now it seems nice.
So, there is some sort of joy, yes.
Apart from that,
there's less woe from yesterday mostly because I didn't get ghastly nightmares. These aren't nightmares really. They're wonderful moments in my dreams. I'm so happy in them. There are friends around me and there's the Boy, too. We're doing normal, fun things together. So much love and all.
But that's where the nightmare starts. I wake up in a sweat, wanting it to be real. On Sunday I woke up in tears. Is that a way to wake up?
But that's what happened.
I don't want to push the Boy out of my mind, I think he should fade out himself. If I forced myself to forget him... See, coercion would mean emphasis and importance. And I don't want that. I want him to go at the back of my mind and then fade out on his own. How am I helping him do that? How am I helping myself? Well, let's just say, I am. I know it.
Once again, thank you so much for all the lovely words. I truly appreciate them. And I am keeping them in mind.
Let's get back to some sketching then, shall we?
Hey, I drew a duck today.
It's a duck for Asha's story of Mr. Duck.

Psst...guess what! Fred's finally through. Yayy! I'm going to get the cheque in a day or two. yay!