Thursday, January 12

You know what he sang that day?

He said, You are my sunshine....


death said...

Wow! Do you always draw so well? :)

heretic said...

Loved the words... If you wrote them, then you're gifted. If not, forgive me for being an ignoramus. :-)

heretic said...

Also, loved the knuckles. :-)

ether said...

Death ~I love to draw...

Heretic ~ Thank you. Yes, I wroe those things. The words aren't very legible but for some reason I didn't feel like cropping them out...

ether said...

...I like the knuckles too.

The Wandering Hermit said...

I have to confess getting a stiff neck cause of having to read at an awkward angle... but anticipation was always better than reality for me..*mostly*...hee.heee...

nice one lucy