Friday, January 27

This is an incomplete drawing made for a poem written by a friend.
I hope to finish it one day.

I love mosquito nets.


David Scrimshaw said...

I hope you finish it too. Even unfinished it makes me nostalgic.

Sagar Kolte said...

What is so incomplete about it?

Avalonian said...

and what's the inspirational poem?

ether said...

David ~ thank you.

Sagar ~ It's just incomplete for me...I want to do the floor a certain way and the light streaming in from the window isn't right yet. The whole drawing is too bright than what I want it to eventually be...

Avalonian ~ The poem's about a broken window, actually!


heretic said...

Loved it... when are you gonna complete it? :-)

Crouching Tigress said...
