Went for a film at the park this evening. It was fun.
The guy on the microphone said there were 1100 people there tonight - a record of some sort. I dn't care much about the record but it was fun. And they screened just the right sort of film. The legend of Zorro. You don't need to pay attention to the screen all along, the antics are funny, the characters are like spoofs of some sort, it's over all quite comic. Shall post photos soon. The moon was brilliant and so was the sky. and on thee way out aa little booy kept tugging his mom's shirt and asking her where all the duckies had gone...
I'm going to LA tomorrow. Shall stopover at Memphis where we'll be going to see Elvis Presley's house!!
After that we shall sit by thee Missippissi (I know I've spelt it wrong but it's more fun this way) river and lunch.
I've packed, unpcked, repacked my bags a couple of times and it's still not the way I want it to be .....light. In my next life that's what i want to be, a light traveller.
'm hitting the delete key more than any other one and nnow I'm beginning to wonder which one of us had that margarita aftereall, I or the keyboard.

Shall bee gone for nearly a month. Therefore blogging regularly ne pas possible.
Shall try and post pictures.