Friday, April 25

my room


coyote said...

Hi, Fingers! Long time. I like the sense of you-ness in these. The frog stuffy hanging on the switch cord looks familiar. Is he based on those illustrations...?

Sagar Kolte said...

Glad to see you back. :)

Anonymous said...

Love your room. Who is that beauty in the b/w pictures by Kahlo? You cd add her younger daughter's pics there to complete the semblance and theme.


Guess who?

ether said...

Thanks, Coyote. The frog belongs to my little nephew. It sort of jumped into my suitcase when I was packing up and jumped out when I opened my case later!

Thanks Sagar :)

I think I know who you are, Anonymous!

Anonymous said...

please post soon!

drifting leaf said...

hey dear fingers... came here after a long time and i can see i missed a lot... great stuff..

Slogan Murugan said...

simply wow.